Always wanted to make fresh fettuccine pasta but never had it before. My pasta-making extension was sitting idle in a drawer, but recently took it out and made my fresh fettuccine pasta :). Fettuccini pasta is a flat, wide pasta traditionally made of egg and flour, and olive oil. Spinach fettuccine is made from spinach, flour, and eggs, and olive oil. It's a really three-ingredients easy process, but of course, you will need a pasta making and cutting extension that you can attach with your stand mixer. I ground the spinach leaves along with eggs to avoid adding the extra water, but if you do not eat eggs, then grind the spinach with 3 tablespoons of water. If you do not have pasta-making attachments, roll the dough as thin as possible and cut it to the desired thickness with a sharp knife. Usually, fettuccini is 1/4 inch wide.

2 Eggs
4 ounces of spinach leaves
2 cups of all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
First, take the spinach and add two eggs with it and grind it to a smooth paste.
The paste amount will be about a little over a cup.

Take the all-purpose flour, salt, oil, spinach, and egg paste in a stand mixer and make a soft dough.

After incorporating everything together, let it still mix for 3 to 4 mins.

Take out the dough on a clean but a floured surface and knead for 5 mins with palm.
Add little flour at a time if it's needed.
After 5 mins of kneading, make a smooth ball like this.👇

Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and keep it in the refrigerator for 30 mins.

Attach the pasta making attachment with the stand mixer.
Then take half of the dough and make thin pasta sheets 👇.
Do it 2 to 3 times to make a smooth long sheet👇.
Keep the sheet of pasta on the floured surface.
If you do not have a pasta-making attachment, roll the dough as thin as possible and then cut the thin flat dough into long strands with a sharp knife at about 1/4 inch in width and foot long.
As I am using a pasta machine, I need to change the attachment to a cutter attachment, cut the pasta sheet, and make the long strand of fettuccini pasta.

Now boil the pasta and cook with your favorite sauce.