Easy, simple brown butter and sage freshly made spinach fettuccine pasta. This freshly made spinach fettuccine pasta is so delectable, did not want to overpower the flavor of fresh pasta with other strong spices. Rather I kept it simple and clean. Made my favorite brown butter and sage sauce for this yummy spinach pasta!


3 lbs of fresh spinach pasta
1 stick of butter
3 cloves of garlic chopped
2 shallots chopped
1 teaspoon of red chili flakes
2 tablespoons of chopped sage
1/2 cup of good white wine or cooking wine
1 lb of deveined, cleaned, and boiled medium shrimp
1/2 cup parmigiano reggiano cheese
Salt and freshly crushed black pepper.

In a saucepan, boil water on high heat and add fresh pasta and cook for 5 mins.
After 5 mins, strain pasta from the water and keep it aside.
Save a cup of hot pasta water for later use in the sauce.
Put another pan on medium heat and add the stick of butter.
Stir continuously for 3 to 4 mins until it turns brown.
Then add the chopped shallots, garlic, and chili flakes and saute for 2 mins.

Next, add the boiled shrimp and cook them in brown butter with onion and garlic approximately for one minute.
Then add the wine, pasta water and salt, pepper, and chopped sage and give a good stir.
Bring it to a boil, then add the boiled spinach pasta.
Incorporate the sauce with the pasta.
Add Parmigiano Reggiano cheese on top and serve warm the shrimp spinach pasta.
