It is a type of Thai curry that is thick, full of peanut, coconut milk, and zesty kaffir lime flavor. If anytime we go to a Thai restaurant, our default choice of curry is Panag curry.
A popular Panang curry dish is chicken Panang curry. For vegetarians and vegans, there are vegetarian/vegan alternatives made with imitation shrimp paste called Kapi Chae in Thailand, and the fish sauce can be substituted with strong vegetable stock or soy sauce. Tofu can be used in place of meat. In Thailand, this curry is usually eaten with rice.
Our favorite protein choice for Panag curry is roasted duck. Sharing my version of the recipe, which we found is as great as our favorite Thai restaurant.

Prep time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins
Serving: 2 to 3
